Player Stats - Devlog #8

Hi all,

I realised that in the combat update devlog I completely neglected to explain how the combat system works and it was more of a visual update.

Each character has five different stats, these are Speed, Strength, Defence, Magic and Magic Defence.

Speed : How fast a character is, this effects initiative order in combat as well as certain skills such as evade.
Strength : How physically strong a character is, this effects damage dealt by physical attacks and how much AP a character has.
Defence : How resilient a character is, this effects damage received by physical attacks and how much HP a character has.
Magic : How powerful a character is magically, this effects magical damage dealt and how much MP a character has.
Magic Defence : How resilient a character is to magic, this effects damage received by magical attacks.

I did show these of in the menus originally though.

Move order is located in the top right and is determined by the speeds of each character.
The bottom right displays your party's current Health, MP & AP.
The bottom left show the possible actions the player can take.

- Andrew

Get Leonard's Mark

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